In 2001, BikeDenver was founded as a membership-supported, grassroots Denver\\s bicycle advocacy organization and a conduit for individuals and businesses to express their support for making Denver a more bicycle-friendly city. Engaging with our community, our “tribe” — cyclists and non-cyclists alike — is at the core of how we will accomplish that goal. brBikeDenver aims to be a catalyst for improving bicycling in Denver by creating communication and sharing of ideas between like-minded people and organizations, while also raising awareness of why we believe bikes are the future of transportation in Denver. We direct our advocacy efforts based on the feedback of our community and hope to improve cycling safety and comfort in ways that will benefit the community as a whole. brThrough our working partnerships with the city and, when necessary, by amplifying the voice of our supporters to ensure decision-makers consider people on bikes in their planning decisions, BikeDenver is a key part of making Denver a safer and more comfortable place to ride.