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Another excellent one is WOTLK

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Start date 12-29-23 - 00:00
End date 12-31-23 - 00:00
  • Description

    There is a 100% chance to instantly grant you 20 percent of your baseline manner so that's nice you know how to conduct yourself can be a problem. it is still an issue with spell hunting especially in small group play like five-man heroics, or even 10 Man in 25 Man . You tend to have less manner issues but like I mentioned at the beginning where you're going to be pressing so many abilities and essentially dumping everything in cooldown that you might quickly encounter issues with manners If you're not equipped with things like replenishment and blessing or wisdom or management enhanced management to lower them or something like that. You are aware of Lava Lash is a powerful spell that charges your hand off with lava instantly dealing 100% off and weapon damage . Damage is increased by 25%.

    If your weapon of choice is awe-inspiring with flying tongues, it will be as I mentioned at the beginning, Static Shock could be very nice one because this just gives you even more reason to be making sure that you are managing your Lightning Shield really well and making sure that it is up all the time.

    So with three points it gives you a 6 percent chance of hitting your target using an Lightning Shield orb charge when you take damage using melee attack and abilities. Additionally, the Lightning Shield gains six additional charges. It's just flat giving you more static damage. You're aware that you should keep your static discharge static damage stunning. You keep your Lightning Shield up for the duration of time it's on.
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