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Start date 02-03-24 - 00:00
End date 02-04-24 - 00:00
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    There's a bunch of really interesting mods around, and we try to support them as best we can and give them everything that they need and what they ask for. Moving towards launch we're doing more of the mod improvements so that when we launch we have a really solid mod kit as well.

    Will Conan Exiles, at any stage, implement loot boxes?

    I have no plans to. But that's a never say never situation, just because there are other people in the company besides me who are involved in these decisions—marketing people and so on. I can 100 percent say that there's zero plans for it right now. There are a lot of technical challenges around that unless you plan to add it from the beginning. We certainly have no plans to add it, there's no code work done to make anything like that work in our game anyway. In a game where you can basically give away any item that you have, I'm not sure a loot box system would work very well. I dunno. In any case, I don't have any plans for it, and we certainly haven't discussed it at work.

    I understand Conan Exiles was partly inspired by the European migrant crisis?

    Yeah, when we started with Conan Exiles, the migrant crisis was dominating all of the news headlines. Part of my job as creative director of the project is world building. Conan has a lot of world building, but here I had to make up a history for this place, the exiled lands. I thought to myself: What about these people that are entrenched here, and then these waves of refugees started coming in. Both sides of the story are really interesting here—that's what I wanted to play upon—I wanted to be able to tell the story of these characters through the lore of the game.

    You know, the Giant Kings, these people who were here first, and how at first they opened their arms. Over time, as more and more people came in and started to take away their resources and use up their space, they became bitter and they turned against them. You saw it happen in Europe to a certain extent as well. More I like to stand outside of it, I don't want to make a call about whether one stance is right or the other, but I like to stand out and try to write perspectives from both sides. If you want to buy MMoexp POE currency trade please visit