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If you're ready to rescue Grom take advantage

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If you're ready to rescue Grom take advantage has not posted anything yet
Start date 03-28-24 - 00:00
End date 03-29-24 - 00:00
  • Description

    If you're ready to rescue Grom take advantage of Thrall's vision to show more of the area the area where he's. There's a good chance that Grom's got plenty of felhounds as well as doom guards in his vicinity waiting for Grom. With a large army however, they won't be a big problem. Chain lightning from Thrall and wild spirit are both very effective in battle and Cairne can be the leader with his war stomps, which can stun opponents for a few seconds.

    Bloodlust from the shaman is highly effective. Several highly upgraded units of orc melee that have bloodlust can destroy almost everything in a matter of just a few seconds. After you've eliminated your guards you'll see Grom attacking your squads. Grom is now wearing divine armor and you're not able to harm Grom, so use his soul gem to take him captive. Run Thrall towards the power circle that is located close to your base. you'll be able to save Grom and complete the mission.

    Night Elf Campaign: Eternity's End

    The horde of the orcs and army that are part of Lordaeron have finally defeated Mannoroth the pit lord who had kept the orcs captive in the in the past. Although the orcs have been freed but the burning legion's assault of Kalimdor continues, and the two old foes have formed a tentative alliance in order to stop the threat of the demonic forever and for all. As they venture deeper to Ashenvale Forest, they'll brush into the night elves who don't welcome visitors who aren't.

    1. Rivals at the Gate

    Tyrande Whisperwind, the leader in the sentinels nighttime has spotted the intruding humans and orcs on her land, and is unhappy. Her warriors and she are currently advancing to eliminate the invaders through any means needed.

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