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Start date 03-29-23 - 00:00
End date 04-27-24 - 00:00
  • Description

    This guide is for gold that I created entirely from scratch to help you with this specific intent to make a gold cap. We'll cover different ways to make gold called making strategies to make use of professions to create more gold, as well as those discussing what to sell on auction Auction House which items to invest in.

    It's basically a full Gold Making Guide covering everything you'll need to know about gold production, no matter how you want to make your gold : everyday crafting, regular crafting farming, gold, going out farming pet, or whatever else you can think of. it, there's something there for you.

    I'm working to make the guide something everyone can benefit from regardless of game style, except for GDK PS. We also have a discord channel for that guide as well that gives access to additional details about gold production. It's a fantastic community for gold mining and rock classic.

    So if you want to join this community, you should check out the instructions on the link to the right in the description of the video and the pin's comment. Just before we start to write this report I'd like to mention that we have a giveaway running on the previous video that I uploaded on the day before.

    If you'd like to be part of the contest, we're giving away to the this weekend Watson codes of around 50 euros each while 49 points will be awarded for 99 points. Therefore, we're giving away two of those in the previous videos ' comment section. The one that I uploaded on the day before.

    So I'll put an url to that video in the video description down below as well. You should definitely join this one. If you're not already. I'm sure Phase two will bring back several people and could even attract several new participants as well. That's why we're offering a prize for that one.

    Get the fastest, safest and cheapest WoW WoTLK Classic Gold from thousands of reputable sellers in the industry visit