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You can change how your horses look and put armor

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You can change how your horses look and put armor has not posted anything yet
Start date 07-24-23 - 00:00
End date 01-27-24 - 00:00
  • Description

    Back during the Diablo 4 beta, we had limited information about how to get and use mounts. Fortunately, with the game’s release, we are now aware of the requirements to get mounts.

    For the first time in the RPG series, Diablo features rideable mounts, which is a needed addition. After all, Diablo 4 features one big open world as compared to the different biomes across the various acts in the first game. Mounts make it easy to traverse this large open world and enjoy your time in the game.

    To unlock mounts in Diablo 4, players need to start and finish a quest called Donan’s Favor. This is a priority quest that players will unlock after they finish the first three acts in Diablo 4. Yeah, you can only unlock mounts in Act 4 of Diablo 4. Here’s how you go about it:

    After finishing the three acts, the players will be asked to return to Kyovashad and talk with Donan. Following the quest marker will show us where this person is located.

    Once at Kyovashad, talk with Donan and progress the questline. Right before you leave, Donan will ask whether you have access to the stables and grants you access to them. He instructs you to go and talk with the Stable Master.

    The main thing you can do is customize the appearance of your mounts. With the game having a battle pass and an in-game shop, it is no surprise that horse skins are a thing. This brings us back full circle from the time when the gaming industry made fun of Bethesda for making horse armor DLC a thing for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim to paying 8 dollars for horse cosmetics in Diablo 4.

    Diablo 4 is one of the most anticipated games of the year, and Diablo 4 gold is especially important in this game. will provide you with more guidance and strategies. There is also a premium Diablo 4 Gold service.