PC shooter Escape from Tarkov has been passing out endowments to players In the event that you need to check whether you got one of these EFT Appreciation Packages and discover what they contain, at that point you're in the correct spot. Continue looking for all the subtleties in our Escape from Tarkov Appreciation Package control.
To check on the off chance that you have an Escape from Tarkov Appreciation Package holding up in-game, first, you'll have to boot the title up. From that point you can explore to the informing screen and check whether there's a message from designer Battlestate Games. On the off chance that there is, select it and snap the "Get ALL" brief prior to moving the Appreciation Package substance into your Stash. It's conceivable that you'll get either 1 or 2 million Roubles in heaps of 500,000 What directs how much cash you get (and whether you get an Appreciation Package by any means) is right now obscure.