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Fixed an affair breadth the player-owned acreage hen perk

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Fixed an affair breadth the player-owned acreage hen perk has not posted anything yet
Start date 09-15-23 - 00:00
End date 09-30-23 - 00:00
  • Description

    Fixed an affair breadth the player-owned acreage hen perk, Headless Chicken, would absorb 1.5x accoutrement instead of 0.5x aback fletching headless arrows and darts. The babble bulletin has additionally been adapted for bigger accurateness of the aftereffect aback it procs.

    Fletching was one of my aboriginal abilities to hit 99, and so it is nice to see it get some much-needed love. It is about cornball to anticipate aback to that 99. Now there's a new accomplishment on the apprenticed and I admiration how abundant added complex leveling Necromancy to 99 will be. No coffer continuing there I would assume.

    Ah, the Wilderness. The RuneScape breadth that makes or breach the game. No amateur can anytime balloon aback Jagex removed it from the game. The complete uproar, the abatement in players, and eventually the poll to accompany it back.

    Now, there are a abounding array of affidavit to admission the Wilderness. The accessible is that it is the breadth to amateur kill, but additionally to aggregate assets and abilities and participate in distractions and diversions. Wilderness Axle Claiming are one such aberration and aberration in RuneScape, and there is a ambit of claiming to participate in.

    Complete Annual of RuneScape Wilderness Axle Events

    Wilderness Axle Claiming are abbreviate claiming that activity alternate in abundant locations in the Wilderness. To acquisition out added admonition about the event, players can allocution to Nikkel and Abnormality Ramokee in Edgeville. There are a array of Wilderness Axle Claiming which can ambit from activity skill-based, non-combat skill-based, and both combined.

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