Fighters are exact at most matters, but they are no longer sincerely the 'satisfactory' at some thing in alternate. Their average melee harm is not as suitable as a Barbarian's, they are now not almost as speedy as a Rogue or Ranger, and they do not have access to Spells like a Cleric or Wizard does. But, for a solo player, a well-geared Fighter (both in phrases of armor and guns) will deliver them the overall maximum threat of survival in opposition to the percentages. Now, Fighters cannot without difficulty 1v3 an enemy group, but they will generally live long enough to try and and have the best threat of dwelling to attempt to escape if they can't. provides cheap Dark And Darker Gold, easily & safely buy DAD Gold at low prices, fast delivery, safe transaction, 24/7 LIVECHAT guarantee the best service for you! Have a good shopping! Welcome to visit