Excel Realty Academy ranks among the best professional instruction in British Columbia in Canada combined with simple and visual study materials. We offer quality in-classroom and Online Real Estate Courses to help students Pass the Real Estate Licensing Exam to Become Real Estate Agents sooner! Our professional instructors have invested hundreds of hours (literally!) into creating an ideal learning experience combined with the most informative and engaging learning environment possible. We use well-designed charts and graphics that can grab the attention of even the least visual learners among us. Acquire the knowledge and skills to pass the Real Estate Exam. We take 8 students per classroom and our tutoring fees are reasonable.
What You Can Expect From Us
• Real Estate Courses
• Real Estate Online Courses
• UBC Real Estate Exam
• Real Estate License Exam
• Realtor Licensing Course
• BC Real Estate License Fees
• Real Estate Agent Program
At Excel Realty Academy, we created a fun and engaging environment that helps our students pass the UBC real estate exam on 1st try, and master all the essential information to become a successful real estate agent in BC. In our twelve 3-hour real estate tutorial classes, you’ll laugh at the instructor’s stories, you’ll be free to ask questions, and you’ll do hands-on drills until you are confident, we give you an additional all-day review class, that includes a 3-hour computerized “mock exam” so you may know just how you’ll do on the real estate licensing exam before you take it. Plus access to the most comprehensive online real estate course and 6 online mock exams. The result ― pass the real estate licensing exam on 1st try!"