200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa
Students who complete their training are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®)
The teaching methods are interactive, focusing on a fully immersive yoga experience, learning advanced poses, immersing in-depth yogic philosophy, advanced teaching, customizing various classes for your students, and group dynamics. This course includes methods of reflective self-analysis as well as advanced pranayama, various meditation methods, and kriyas, all in a lovely, private, eco-friendly resort.
This course is excellent for those interested in learning at an authentic, non-commercialized, and non-profit-driven school.
Whether you are a Raj yoga graduate or a similar RYS 200 school graduate and want to deepen your practice and knowledge, this course is perfect. All of the instructors have years of experience leading teacher training courses.
More info: https://www.rajyogaschool.com/200-hour-yoga-teacher-training-in-goa/