Starting a business is difficult, you need to a lot of research about the cost involved for it to sustain before you take your first step. world's best business opportunity Be it the marketing cost or the basic costs that include utility bills, you have to be certain else it will all go in vain. If you have analyzed everything, rest everything gets sorted out with time. The main concern here is about the beginners, who are interested to build their own business. They have all the prerequisite skill, knowledge and positive attitude but the investment.We have some low investment business opportunities to get you going. Keep in mind that these are just an example; you may or may not find these relevant. The main idea behind sharing these ideas is to help you in identifying you niche. Even if you stick to the business ideas that we have shared, you still need to put in a lot of hard work to succeed.All being said, shared below is the list of best business opportunity in the World with low investment that will help you grow in 2022.