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Introduction: <br> <br>Mainframes are still a vital part of many businesses\ IT infrastructures. However, mainframes are also aging, and they can be difficult and expensive to maintain. As a result, many organizations are looking to modernize their mainframes. <br> <br>Mainframe modernization is the process of updating and upgrading mainframe systems to improve their performance, security, and scalability. There are a number of different ways to modernize mainframes, and the best approach for an organization will depend on its specific needs. <br> <br>Why mainframe modernization training? <br> <br>There are a number of reasons why you should consider mainframe modernization training. These reasons include: <br> <br>To stay ahead of the competition: Mainframe modernization can help you to stay ahead of the competition by giving you access to the latest technologies and capabilities. <br>To improve efficiency: Mainframe mo