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CBD Relief Cream

$29.99 (USD)
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প্রকাশিত হয়েছে দ্বারা JUST CBD
  •  অবস্থানUSA
  •  স্ট্যাটাসস্টক
  •  টাইপনতুন


Zap redness, irritation and before it spreads with our best-selling cream in its most potent formula.Potent plant power’s the name of the game with this concentrated blend, using ingredients that come together to create a truly soothing solution. Members of the mix include aloe vera, witch hazel, coconut oil, and vegetable-based glycerin. And for the coup de gras, CBD relief cream 250mg, 500,1 000 mg of hemp-derived CBD works as the #1 ingredient to penetrate the dermal skin layer and reach CB2 the receptors in your muscles.

Product Price:-$17.99 – $29.99

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